Blackboard with manage your time written on it
Posted August 24, 2015
| Updated May 23, 2022

Get Back Your Time: 5 Tools to Help You Manage Your Small Business Tasks

I have to be really disciplined to ensure that I make the most of my time at work. After all, there’s so much to do and so little time to do it! For business time management, I’ve discovered a few cool tools that help me do more with the time I have.

1. Wunderlist

Who doesn’t have a giant list of things to do? I try to remember them in my head, but given that my wife, Nellie, often wags her finger at me for forgetting, I guess that doesn’t always work so well. So now I use Wunderlist. I can jot down something as I remember it on my phone, then mark it off when it’s done.

I like it as well because I can assign employees tasks and we can collaborate via a chat function about the task.

2. Slack

I’ve got so much going on on any given day, I feel like I don’t always have the time it takes to walk through my office to talk to the employee I need to communicate with. That’s where Slack comes in handy. We use it to communicate about projects we’re working on, and we can set up different channels for each project to keep our chats organized.

We can also share files, which is nice, since we can associate them with the channels we set up. Sometimes digging for an email with an attachment is a pain in the you-know-what.

3. Podio

When we’ve got projects going on, like working on our website or new products, I like to get really organized on each project with Podio. It brings out my inner project manager when I can see the whole scope of the project, set milestones, and assign tasks all in one place.

4. Google Calendar

When my Google Calendar tells me I have a meeting or appointment, I listen. I love that I can sync my calendar on my phone so that no matter where I am, I’ll hear that notification telling me I need to be somewhere. (Nellie was kind enough to set up notifications so I know ahead of time that I need to be somewhere!)

5. CorpNet’s Compliance Portal

So many of our products at CorpNet come from our own desire to find a solution to our own problems. We help businesses incorporate, but we’re also a corporation, so we have the same filing deadlines and fees as everyone else. I hated losing that important piece of mail reminding me to file my Annual Report, and I thought, wouldn’t it rock if we had corporate filing reminders that would tell us when to file? And voila! The Compliance Portal was born. I don’t have to sweat when to file corporate documents or tax deadlines, because I get a notification whenever anything is due.

Stop wasting time and missing corporate filing deadlines. Sign up for a free Compliance Portal account today!

<a href=index-1805.html target="_self">Phil Akalp</a>

Phil Akalp

Philip Akalp is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, and the founder and CMO of CorpNet. Phil and his wife Nellie have been building companies for more than 18 years. They sold their first company to Intuit in 2008 for $20 million, then decided to get right back into the game. Having weathered the ups and downs of entrepreneurship over the past two decades, Nellie and Phil are the undisputed experts on what it takes to start a successful business and follow your dreams.

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